Galeri Keluarga

Kumpulan foto dan momen berharga keluarga Tjitro Moertolo.

four person hands wrap around shoulders while looking at sunset
four person hands wrap around shoulders while looking at sunset
six white sticky notes
six white sticky notes
two man laughing at each other
two man laughing at each other
girl's left hand wrap around toddler while reading book during golden hour
girl's left hand wrap around toddler while reading book during golden hour

Tentang Keluarga Tjitro Moertolo

Selamat datang di Tjitro Moertolo, website keluarga besar yang menghubungkan kami dari Surabaya, Jawa Timur, untuk berbagi cerita, silsilah, dan kegiatan keluarga.

selective focus photo of woman lifting child during daytime
selective focus photo of woman lifting child during daytime



Keluarga Bahagia

Keluarga Harmonis